Node JS and Express Routing Tutorial

Node JS and Express Routing Tutorial Lets set up our Express app with some different routes now. Lets make a basic company or personal web site structure. With an about,contact,links and portfolio pages. First lets make the files with Node file system module. Then lets append some basic HTML into the files. Now lets define the routes we want. Now we have a web site up with multiple routes.

Node JS Tutorial | HTTP Server Basic HTML Templates

Node JS Tutorial | HTTP Server Basic HTML Templates REPL Here Today we are adding a basic HTML template to our Node JS HTTP Server project. We are going to first require the file system module within Node. Lets create a .html file named index.html Now append some HTML Then we open the index.html file and pass that as an argument into the server response to render. As you can see this is going to get a bit unwieldy. In the next Tutorial lets look into an easier way…